Black lip blocking wavy shell bangles |
 Flower mop 40mm pendants shell pendants |
 Palm wood tear drop wood beads |
 Chololate frog shell beads |
 Green turbo shell in green clear jelly cord with glitter |
 7-8mm coco pokalet natural coco beads |
 Coco heishe bleached white coco beads |
 Sq. cut khaki necklace white shell necklace |
 Round 40mm yellow hammershell hand painted pendant |
 White rose in pastels shell bracelets |
 White canarium shell molten gold metal pendant |
 Dangling black lip hoop shell earrings |
 Round 50mm hammershell donut hand painted pendant |
 Tikog bag square bags |
 Dangling handpainted and colored round 40mm kabibe |
 Collectible handcarved laminated acacia acacia bags |
 Heart melo shell pendant shell pendants |
 Hammershell flower w/ 2mm shell pendants |
 4-5mm red coco pokalet coco beads |
 2-3mm coco pokalet natural coco beads |
 Round 40mm hammershell w/ hand painted pendant |